How do assessments work in the Primary of a British School like Alegra?
In the Juniors stage of Alegra (Primaria) the teachers implement two forms of assessment: formative assessment and summative assessment, as the English National Curriculum establishes as fundamental ingredients for a holistic evaluation of the students of a British School. The British system gives the same importance to both types of evaluation, they are both relevant in different ways, the main highlight of the British system contrary to others where exams are the main focus of evaluation.
Which are the types of evaluation?
“Formative assessment”: is used in every lesson by the teachers to ensure the children understand the learning objective for that specific lesson.
It is used via a range of techniques including questioning from the teacher, the work completed in the children’s books, and also the children’s self and peer assessment to take responsibility for achieving their own goals.

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“Summative assessment”: is used via the written assessments children complete at the end of every unit.
The summative assessment data confirms the learning and understanding that has taken place throughout the unit and has been embedded and will not be forgotten.