End of Course Prep School Party
The parade of students from Year 1 to Year 6, the Junior Choir singing the Alegra Hymn, and “The Celebration of Work” in Nursery and Reception made last Friday, June 4, a special day to celebrate a challenging year.
The parade of the students in the bright daylight was very exciting, especially for the Year 6 students, who paraded for one last time with the Prep School students before moving on to the international stage of the school. In turn, the Year 1 boys who finished their stage in Alegra before going to Retamar were very proud of their time at the school.
The ceremony began with the performance of the Alegra Hymn sung by the “Alegra Prep School Choir.” Then Vicky Muller, director of Alegra, welcomed all parents to the End of Year Party. It was simpler than other years and marked by the restrictions derived from the pandemic. The director talked of memories about the schools first parade by recalling how “every single students could fit on the stag and we dreamed of the school we are now, that we celebrate Alegra’s 10th anniversary.”
María Kemp, coordinator of the stage, began the awards ceremony by explaining the meaning and value of each of the awards. Likewise, she asked “a strong applause for all students, regardless of whether they receive particular recognition, for all the tireless effort they have made during such a particular course.”
The traditional Alegra flags were awarded: Academic Excellence, Sports Prize, Resilience Prize, and Spirit of Alegra.
Academic Tour & Celebration of Work
From 5:00 p.m., the Alegra Campus was filled with the happiness of families who wanted to celebrate with their children for their academic achievements this year. In the classrooms of the youngest infants (Nursery to Year 2), parents had the opportunity to visit them and review both the course work and everything they had learned. The Nursery and Reception students enjoyed showing their parents all of their books, their classes, and much much more.
At the end of the parade, the parents of Juniors (Year 3 to Year 6) were able to visit with their daughters the classrooms after a whole year without the possibility of physically entering the school. They had the opportunity to experience the world of the students and immerse themselves in it. Seeing the course work, the different academic projects, and the displays of both the classrooms and the buildings as well, was a proud moment for the parents who were able to see not only the academic evolution of their daughters, but also how the campus has grown with new facilities such as of the International Baccalaureate building, the green, the golf putting green, the hockey rinks and much more were.