Academic Results Class of 2021
These academic results showcase the effort of the students, the outstanding work of the teachers, and of course the support of their families and the whole of the school community. High-Quality education that prepares them for the future, results that guarantee their access to the best universities.
Spanish Grades
- Average final grade out of 14: 12,2
- 46% of the students over 12,5
- 25% f the students over 13
- Average final grade out of 10 : 8,6
- Highest grades:
- Out of 14 -> 13,85 (4 students),
- 13,7 (2 students).
- Out of 10 -> 9,85
IB Grades
- Average final grade Alegra IB 35,4 puntos (Average IB world 2020 31,4)
- 25% of the students with grades over 40 pts. ( compared with the 12% over 40 pts. IB world 2020)
- 100% approved Alegra (compared with the 85% average approveds of the IB world 2020)
Congratulations to each student for these extraordinary academic results!

Discover more about the IB System here