Everything Educates: “Convivencias” PAI & PD
The International School of Alegra (PAI-PD (Secundaria – Bachillerato) has begun the school year with a formation activity very dear to us: the “Convivencias“. After two difficult years, when organizing excursions and outside-of-school activities were almost impossible, we have organized during the months of September and October a “Convivencia” by year group from PAI 1 to PD 2.
Each one has been carefully thought out to answer the needs of students according to their age. The essential ingredients of all? Fun and Christian formation. Every convivencia has been organized combining playful and formation-filled activities, with the amazing gift of counting not only with the tutors or teachers but also with a priest to accompany the spiritual formation of the pupils.

Convivencia’s Destinations
Some convivencias, have been organized in pilgrimage destinations: Torreciudad with PAI 2 and 3, the Camino de Santiago with PAI 4, also as preparation for Confirmation, and Fátima with PD2. Other convivencias have been organized in places of outdoor recreation: Riaza with PAI 1 and Solverde with PAI 5. To close the convivencias season, PD1 students will visit the University of Navarra in January of next year, a moment that will also be a great opportunity to further the professional orientation process.

Friendships that grow and make us grow
The convivencias are a great occasion for the students to strengthen friendships among their peers, with flexibility on timetables, in a more relaxed environment, with activities that alow them to get to know the others better, to share experiences, collaborate to accomplish common goals… At the same time, they are an opportunity to deepen their Christian formation, receiving the sacraments, and listening to speakers that help feed the soul.
Fruitful times together
Another aspect that students enjoy is the possibility of bonding with teachers in a different environment, outside the classroom: discovering a respectful and at the same time close way to strengthen their teacher-student relationship. We have noticed its influence of this discovery and how it has contributed to school harmony.
Convivencias have been a great investment that, with no doubts, have been worth it. For all year groups it has meant a marvelous opportunity to strengthen frienshio bods among students, after all the pandemic imposed restrictions. Students have come back happier, even feeling even more connected between them, and thankful to the school for the opportunity.
– Teresa Wesolowski, PAI5 – PD2 Coordinator