MYP5 French Project: “Create your own NGO”
“Create your own NGO” is the name of the Project of the French subject that gives closure to the unit “Are you solidary person?” that students of MYP5 have been working on, and on which they have broadened their vocabulary and learned new expressions about the world that surrounds that and how they actions affect others.

Project Stages
The project has 5 different stages and a final presentation. Each stage was done during the hours of class in school, to help MYP5 student manage their time and work correctly
- Stage 1: “Investigate and decide what cause to support through my NGO”.
- Stage 2: “Brainstorm and decide which are my NGO’s services”.
- Stage 3: “Create and design the naming and logo of my NGO.”
- Stage 4: “Develop different communication media to share my NGO”.
- Stage 5: “Design my oral presentation”.
On the day of the presentation, students came in prepared for a role play, in which they were attending a conference of NGOs and had to deliver to an audience of volunteers, who had a lot of questions for the speakers.
Con este proyecto se evalúan dos criterios:
- C Criteria (Oral expression) = the delivery of the presentation
- D Criteria (Written expression) = the written content of the media
This project enables the students to develop:
- Investigation skills (rearshing the different needs they services aimed to cover)
- Creative thinking skills (naming the NGO, creating the logo and the communication channels)
- Social skills (it’s the subject of the project in itself)
- Comunication skills (the public presentation of the project)