Mayor Oreja speaks to Alegra students about the invasion of Ukraine
History, geography and culture: three keys to understanding the crisis in Ukraine due to Russia’s invasion. A masterclass by Jaime Mayor Oreja, former minister and former MEP, to students from PAI 4 to PD1.

“Wars, tragedies, mark the end of an era… And it is time to reflect and ask ourselves not only “what will Putin do now”, but “what will we do? This is not just a political, economic or social crisis, it is above all a crisis of the individual, and the solution lies in a change of personal attitude. We have to stop being the “weekend” society, the society that complains about everything, about comfort, we have to cultivate a sense of hard work, a society that appreciates its own values and institutions.
This is the challenge of your generation and the challenge that I pose to you today: to know your history, your culture, so as not to repeat the mistakes that others have made, fighting to recover order and truth”, he said during his session.

At the end, a student from PAI 3 shared a poem she had written as a result of an interdisciplinary project between Art and Language.