9 Back-to-School Tips for Parents
The day before school starts, at 10 PM, sorting out notebooks and organising books, labels, uniforms… Everything is set and ready. The beginning of the school year brings with it many small tasks that, when accumulated, result in the typical hustle and bustle of new beginnings.
To ensure that amidst the commotion of the start, we don’t lose sight of what’s important, we’re sharing 9 tips for parents to help your children – and yourselves – adapt to the new academic routine.
Whether they’re embarking on their educational journey or are seasoned students, the first weeks of school can be a challenge of adaptation for both you and them. Hang in there!
Tips for Parents of Children Ages 2 to 5
- Blessed Morning Routine: Consistency is crucial during these early weeks. Establish a morning routine that includes a nutritious breakfast, getting dressed for school, and a positive farewell. A predictable start to the day can set a calm tone for your child’s school experience.
- Talk, Talk, and Keep Talking: After school, engage in conversations with your children about their day. Ask about their activities, friends, and new experiences. Celebrate their small achievements and reassure them that you are proud of their efforts, fostering enthusiasm for the next day.
- Quality Time: Amidst the hustle of school routines, do your best to reserve quality time with your children. Five minutes of one-on-one time with mom or dad can make all the difference – keep it simple but meaningful.
Tips for Parents of Girls Ages 6 to 10
- Homework Support: As the homework load increases, create a designated space and schedule for completing assignments. Be available to offer guidance and encouragement without micromanaging. Encourage them to ask questions and take responsibility for their homework.
- Keep the Conversation Going: Continue to have open conversations about their experiences, even when they might seem trivial. Talk about any challenges they may be facing, and work together to find solutions. Recognize their growing independence and offer guidance when necessary.
- Balance: Help your daughter balance her academic responsibilities with potential extracurricular activities she’s interested in. Teach the importance of time management and show her the benefits of choosing and committing to a few activities, rather than trying to do it all.
Tips for Parents with Girls Ages 11 to 17
- Support and Trust: Adolescence can be a tumultuous time. Stay actively involved in your daughter’s life but respect her growing independence and privacy. Keep the lines of communication open, and be ready to offer guidance when requested (often late at night, but believe us, it’s worth staying awake!).
- Academic Guidance: Encourage autonomy in academic matters in all aspects. Help your daughter set both short and long-term goals and discuss strategies to achieve them. Collaborate in organizing her study space and creating a study schedule. As IB Diploma Programme students, they will be developing all the attributes of the IB learner profile.
- Digital Awareness: In the digital age, discuss responsible internet use and online safety. Foster critical thinking when consuming online content and engage in conversations about digital ethics and the potential risks of social media, reinforcing the messages conveyed from school.
In these initial weeks of the school year 2023-2024, keep in mind that your children may be adapting to new teachers, classmates, and routines. This period can be a mix of excitement and uncertainty for them. It’s essential to be patient and flexible as you navigate this transition together. Your support and encouragement are crucial in helping them approach the school year with confidence, setting the stage for a successful year of growth and learning.