Graduation Day II Promotion Alegra
“Today is a day for Alegra to celebrate!”, the words that Vicky Muller, Headmistress of Alegra to frame a day full of accomplishment and gratitude, the graduation day of the Class of 2021, II Promotion of Alegra.
The celebration began giving thanks to God in Holy Mass, conducted by Fr. José Brage, chaplain of the school, in the House of Mary, the hermitage of Our Lady of Alegra. During the homily Fr. José encouraged the students to cultivate a healthy “pride of God” that will help them carry their Faith everywhere they go.
Following the Holy Mass, the graduation ceremony began, an academic celebration where every voice of the school was heard: Direction, the teaching staff, families, the students, and the Alegra Alumni.
The voice of the Headmistress gave way to the ceremony, encouraging students to “dream big, have high reaching goals in the service of your families, friendships and the whole of society: those goals are possible, you already know, you have lived it in the flesh, the experience of these 10 years of Alegra. We began in just one building, in your class you were only 15, you remember, looking now around you we realize how much we’ve grown together. The founding families of the school have gifted you with that excellent example”.
Next Alegra’s Anthem, “The Gentle Voice of The Heart”, was performed by the students, a musical piece created by Íñigo Pirfano; both families and staff joined together singing along in a moving moment during the afternoon.
The ceremony carried on with the speech of the Diploma Program Coordinator, Militza Hernandez, filled with words of joy that reflected on the way of growth of the students, “in a moment like this when we see our students graduate, it seems logical to think of all the things we’ve taught them and all the things they’ll carry with them. However, today I would like this opportunity to reflect out loud about what they have taught us”, said the DP Coordinator, remembering the deep sense of true friendship, creativity, and perseverance”.
Militza also thanked the DP teaching staff, the leadership of the school, and the families for their work and support during the academic year. She also highlighted the true “distinction from others, the life skills they have acquired during their years in the International Baccalaureate”
The stage then welcomed a very special guest, Alfonso Aguiló, whose magistral speech was full of wisdom about education, its true meaning, and how the students can contribute to society thanks to the education they have received: “the most important decision of a lifetime is to choose between centering ones live around oneself or to center it on others. A successful life is one that overflows with gratitude, the result of giving yourself to others”, because of that continued explaining Aguiló “education can’t have its center in the pursuit of selfish professional goals, you have to begin thinking in the improvement of your society, of how we can make our talents fruitful in service to others.
On the other hand, the students: Sol Bolívar y Sofía Fernández Gorostiaga, gave the graduation speech in the name of the 2021 Class, a true demonstration of storytelling that collected their “travel” through these years to reach “good harbor, their destination” in the “New World” of University. “We go back to September of 2011, with a crew of only 19 sailors that swiftly joined the ship”. The trip promised and even some eager to venture on such an expedition joined later. The crew has become what it is today June 30, 2021, a day that will go down in history as the long-awaited arrival. Marking a before and after in our lives as crew members for having reached the first great destination in our lives ”.
After the speeches, Paloma Lago, Head of Academics of Alegra; Vicky Muller, Headmistress, and José Torre de Silva, Head of the Consejo de Administración,
A continuación, Paloma Lago, Directora Académica; Vicky Muller, Directora y José Torre de Silva, Presidente del Consejo de Administración del Colegio, awarded the Diplomas and “orlas” to the students.
For the closure of the event, Pilar Abad, Head of the Alumni Agrupation of Alegra, and former student of the I Promotion of the school welcomed the newly graduated into the Agrupation: “it is now the time to carry on with the Spirit of Alegra and to share it everywhere we go, it is worth it. The Board of Directors of the Alegra Alumni assures you that this is not a goodbye”.