colegio-britanico-en-madrid-chinese new year 02

Cultural immersion in Reception & Year 1

Reception and Year 1 students enjoy the richness of other cultures.
As part of their Understanding the World (Reception) and Humanities (Year 1) subjects, the students had a full-on immersion in the Asian tradition of the Lunar New Year celebration. A marvelous cultural experience that people from Japan, Korea, and China celebrate every year.

At the Reception Assembly, the students had the opportunity to hear from Se-Jin’s mom, a reception student. They learned about Korean traditions during this special moment of the year for them. She explained the traditional food, dances, and family reunions they have. They even got to see Se-Jin and her parents wearing the traditional attire: the Hanbok.

Every class became a small representation of Asian culture and students had the opportunity to dance, play, learn to write their names and numbers in Chinese, and much more!

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