colegio-britanico-en-madrid-Premio poesía

Winning verses: Student Wins First Place in a Poetry Competition

Camila, student of MYP 2 has won the first place prize of the XXVII Concurso de Poesía Joven del Campo de Cartagena, with the poetry:  “My dear Venezuela”. 

In the Lengua subject, the MYP 2 students have been working on the Lyric genre. One of their summative tasks was to compose a poetry after they had learned the poetic composition. To finish the task, they had to write a poem to give as a present to someone, basing the poem in a picture that transmitted a feeling. Camila was inspired by a Venezuelan picture, the origin country of her family, she decided to dedicate de poem to her parents. This is the origin of the winning poem.

The 4th of June, after receiving the Academic award in the End of the Year Festival of Alegra, she traveled to Cartagena with her family to collect the prize, from the hands of the Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Cartagena. Even though Camila was one of the youngest contestants, she has been the only winner in the juvenile category (12-16 years old).

¡Congratulations, Camila!

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