About Us

About Us

About us

Alegra is a British and International School. From the ages of 3 to 11 (Infants and Juniors), we follow the English National Curriculum. In the Secondary and Baccalaureate stages 11 to 18), we are an IB World School delivering the Middle Years Program (MYP) in Secondary, and the Diploma Program (DP) in Baccalaureate. We admit boys and girls into Early Years and Year 1 and girls only thereafter.

With over 1,100 pupils, including some international students from around the world, the student body is lively and dynamic. A sense of community is an important element in the daily life and ethos of the School, whilst our history, location, and students ensure that a balanced approach is maintained. We prioritise the exploration of new ideas with a global outlook which permeates the entire educational experience.

We believe that the English National Curriculum in the Prep School coupled with the International Baccalaureate Programmes is the finest and most developed combination of curricula available, globally. Alegra is a School that is grounded in tradition but maintains a clear focus on the future.

Our Mission

Educate Christian women that freely commit to their family, their profession and their social community; working with creativity, joyfulness, generosity and spirit of service.


Alegra School
Alegra School

Our Purpose

What if there was a place where every child had the opportunity to be great? Where their work will help them in their future endeavors. There is a place. My school. Alegra British and International School.

Let me start from the beginning: a group of families forged a plan to set up a school with an international approach, hand in hand with a Catholic Education driven by an understanding of the human person: a moral, spiritual, and intellectual formation of their children. A British and international education with Spanish roots. Education of the highest quality.

They dreamt of a school that would embrace change whilst providing the very best preparation for the 21st century. Values and principles remaining at the core. A school that would be an ecosystem to explore new ideas, learn and unlearn, a place to be creative and responsible with the needs of our planet.

Our classrooms don’t have walls, we learn by doing and investigating, through programs that enable us to flourish and go beyond our potential; providing us with opportunities to win places at the very best universities. We grow, we flourish, we celebrate our successes, and are recognised for our unique personal value.

This is more than a School. It is a place where we discover not only our talents but who we are. We are given the opportunity to thrive – in the classroom, on the sports field, in the arts, and in our faith – in a supportive environment where we all feel valued by everyone around us. At Alegra, we have the opportunity to be great!

This is the place to grow!

Alegra School
Alegra School

Our Core Values


At Alegra, our students enjoy a bilingual, bicultural education. Our progressive approach incorporates both the academically rigorous Spanish and English national curriculums along with International Baccalaureate inquiry-based learning; building international mindedness with a strong focus on well-being and commitment to service and sustainability. With exceptional educators recruited from Spain and native English speaking countries, our teachers are pioneering a conceptual and inquiry based curriculum that includes both Spanish and English language and culture. At Alegra, the classroom is a great place to educate students on diversity. Preparing our students for diversity in the workplace. Preparing our students for life.


Alegra is a dynamic learning environment characterised by change, activity and progress. It is intentionally designed to meet the needs of all our students while challenging them to enhance existing skills, interests and understandings, as well as meaningfully building new ones. We incorporate inclusion, learning styles, technology and real world applications: encompassing the classroom, school and broader community under an umbrella of mutual respect and collaboration.


We believe that the basis of an effective education is a happy student. The warmth, enthusiasm and passion of our teachers and staff and the happiness of our families are characteristics which define our educational community.


At Alegra, we are ambitious as a school. Our students are encouraged to strive to be the very best they possibly can be and to have the highest expectations of what they and others can achieve: to be excellent professionals in the future, to be better as people, to be more supportive, to share what we have, and to improve education throughout the world.


Alegra is in existence,thanks to our families. Our families value the idea of education and intrinsic qualities like curiosity and ambition. They appreciate the desire to constantly learn more about the world and to acquire the level of knowledge needed to achieve personal goals. Our families are instrumental in supporting our educational efforts whilst utilising the structures offered for parental involvement; remaining faithful to the Christian principles of education.

The Difference is Alegra
– The Alegra WAY

At Alegra we have a way of doing things, of working and of behaving. The Alegra WAY is like the DNA of the school.

It is something present in the school even though it is impossible to see it with the naked eye. It is like an atom, invisible but essential for matter to exist.

Top Academics

AcademicsBritish System
Fluent English
Life long skills
Arts & Music
Alegra Digital
Team Sports
International System

Catholic Ethos

Catholic Ethos

Catholic Inspiration
Tutorial System
Learn to pray
Opus Dei undertaking
Personal Freedom

High Standards

High Standards

Think Big
Think of others
Go the extra mile
Spirit of service
High Performance

At Alegra, we provide a uniquely global education that goes beyond grades to develop all-round academic excellence – equipping our young people with the confidence and resourcefulness that prepares them to grow, thrive and find their success in a fast-changing world.

Alegra is a British and international school. In order to achieve our goals, we are constantly inspired by the best educational systems available worldwide. We enhance them with our own programmes, going above and beyond to support our students in achieving the very best outcomes.

At Alegra, we consider the acquisition of knowledge and skills as being crucial; believ that culture, the arts and sport help our students mature mentally and morally. Our excellence in our academic education reflects our commitment to creating the best academic environment for the complete development of all our students. Particular importance is given to the constant and personal monitoring of each individual; fostering learning and helping students to achieve their academic potential by providing the programs, services, technology, and learning resources they need, to become successful independent learners.

Alegra is a Christian-inspired school that stands for a transcendent vision of human existence. This way of conceiving the human life is present when defining the education of our students. A personal spiritual plan is designed for all, according to the age and circumstance of each individual. Its main purpose resides in showing the beauty of practicing Christian virtues, such as fortitude, joy, generosity towards God and thy neighbour, and diligence , etc. As a Christian-based school, we support and respect the personal freedom of all our students.

Christian instruction pervades the everyday life at Alegra;: students are expected to say short prayers in class at the beginning and end of each day, and assist in the Holy Mass once per a week.

Since Alegra is such a privileged environment to live and work in, we also work with our students to develop and enhance their social conscience, focusing on the needs of those who, for whatever reason, are less fortunate and not as privileged. The social doctrine of the Church and the priorities recommended by Pope Francis ㅡsuch as charity, mercy and other family values, dedication to the poor, as well as caring for the environmentㅡ set our main guidelines in this task.

When it comes to education, everything counts. For that reason, every activity carried out at Alegra ㅡnot just the academic content taught in class; we encourage our students to realise their goals inside and outside of the classroom, offering them a set of complementary activities such as Alegra for Others, work experience and summer camps, extra-curricular activities, sports competitions, artistic activities and cultural tours, all of the highest professional level.

Finally, this last aspect encompasses all three elements:


As an organiszation that prides itself on being guided by the service to others, at Alegra, we aspire go beyond educating good professionals and citizens. En Alegra no solo aspiramos a educar. Como organización orientada al servicio a los demás, y en concreto a la familia, queremos ser buenos profesionales en toda la gestión del colegio: en la parte académica, en la parte formativa, en el seguimiento de la alumna desde distintos ámbitos escolar y extraescolar, servicios, etc.

Alegra and Opus Dei

Christian humanism is on the basis of the education we provide. The Catholic faith is taught at the School and we teach and encourage students to frequent the sacraments, with special attention to confession and participation in Holy Mass.

Alegra is a corporate Work of Opus Dei.

Opus Dei is an institution of the Catholic Church founded in 1928 by St. Josemaria Escrivá. His message is to seek holiness in the midst of the world through daily work and the ordinary circumstances of family and social life. Our work, our family, and our friends are the occasion for an encounter with God.

Since the foundation of Opus Dei in 1928, works of corporate apostolate in various countries have been initiated by members of Opus Dei together with others, the moral guarantee of which is underwritten by the Prelature. The management of these works is undertaken by the professionals who set them up and Opus Dei is entrusted with the Christian orientation of each project.

One of the inherent features of Opus Dei is that it strives to meet a given need at a given moment. In this way, the first corporate work of Opus Dei in the field of education was Gaztelueta School (Vizcaya), which opened in 1951. It aimed to provide a service to society and because it had a purely civil, professional, and non-confessional nature, it soon became the pioneer of a new way of looking at Education.

From that moment onwards, one of the principal aims of the educational centres set up as corporate Works of Opus Dei – as in the case of Alegra – is to vitalize society in Christian terms by providing education with a Christian spirit which involves families, teachers, and students.

Visit the official Opus Dei’s website
Alegra School
Alegra School

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