English Curriculum:
A solid foundation

This system is one of the most prestigious and advanced in the world, offering a balanced educational model that motivates students to identify, work and achieve their goals both academically and personally.

The English system encourages experimentation, inquiry and teamwork in order to help students achieve t academically and to develop personally in flexible and changing environments.

Alegra Preparatory School courses are enriched with academic programs designed specifically to meet the individual needs of our students: Neuromotor Program, Cultural Project, and the Humanities Program to name a few.


Key elements of the English National Curriculum:

  • Linguistic immersion from the first day at school.
  • Personalised learning.
  • Promoting the development of each student: spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual, and physical.
  • Evaluation and follow up, structured through learning objectives.
  • Motivated and highly qualified teachers utilising stimulating resources both inside and outside of the classroom.
  • Encourages critical thinking, creative spirit and the development of interpersonal relationships.
  • Preparing students for future opportunities and experiences, developing lifelong skills.
  • Differentiated learning to cater every child's own needs and pace.

The English National Curriculum is structured in blocks of Years that represent Key Stages (KS).

Alegra Prep School
3 to 4 years old 4 to 5 years old 5 to 6 years old 6 to 7 years old 7 to 8 years old 8 to 9 years old 9 to 10 years old 10 to 11 years old
Nursery Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6
Early Years Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2
Infants Juniors

English National
Curriculum: Early Years

English National
Curriculum: Early Years

The learning and development areas in the English National Curriculum for the Early Years Foundation Stage:

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Supporting these areas, we have a strong human and spiritual formation at Alegra that is cross-curricular and inherent in every part of our students’ learning process; acquiring values and virtues from a very early age.

The objectives in Early Years at Alegra are as follows:

  • To ensure that children feel happy, confident and safe in the school environment.
  • To help in the development of well-balanced, autonomous children.
  • To improve listening skills and encourage our children to develop greater self-discipline. 
  • To celebrate the uniqueness and dignity of each child.
  • To provide the foundations for all future learning through a range of carefully selected activities.

English National
Curriculum in Primary

English National
Curriculum in Primary

The aims of Primary (Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2) at Alegra:

  • Promoting a positive attitude towards learning.
  • Providing the necessary foundations for Maths in preparation for their Secondary education.
  • Building on the foundation of Spanish language skills: reading fluency, reading comprehension and writing skills including the presentation of written work.
  • Acquisition of listening skills in Literacy, enhanced with English grammar.
  • Enabling all students to learn, and progress through the development of independent learning skills.
  • Encouraging creativity and to developing independent thinking skills.
  • Enabling students to understand the cultural heritage of both Spain and Great Britain.
  • Coaching students to have respect for themselves, develop confidence and self-esteem, and to live and work collaboratively with others.

The learning and development areas in the English Curriculum in Primary are as follows:

Core: Literacy / Maths /Science

Specific: Art and Design / Computing / Humanities / Religion / Music / Physical Education / French (from Year 2 onwards)/ PSHE

All subjects are taught in English with the exception of Lengua Castellana and Religion.

Complementing these areas, we have a strong human and spiritual formation at Alegra that is cross-curricular and inherent in every part of our students’ learning process; acquiring values and virtues from an early age.