colegio-britanico-en-madrid-Alegra golfGreen2

Alegra grows thanks to the families, students, teachers, and staff, but we also grow because of the generosity of “the friends of Alegra”, that eventually contribute with donations that allow the school to keep growing. This is the case of an anonymous donor that just a few weeks ago gave the school a significant financial contribution that will be destined to the following initiatives:

Golf Pitch & Putt Zone. At the end of January the preparation for the grounds construction began. The green, will be located beside the main building and is expected to be finished in the coming days, for our students to start practicing in the Physical Education classes.

Moreover, we are currently covering with artificial grass one of our usual courts so it can be used both as a football field and a grass hockey field.

Lastly, thanks to this donation, Alegra was able to acquire 10 computers for Industrial Design purposes, with the corresponding software that will be needed to take the subject even further.

We thank all of you who have helped the school in some way, to continue growing both externally –facilities, resources…– and internally –through your work, your prayers, kind words, etc–

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