colegio-britanico-en-madrid-Meditacion Musical

A Night of Prayer in Madrid Center to Prepare for Lent

Just a few hours away from the beginning of the most important week of the year, the students of MYP5, DP1 and DP2 participated in a Lenten act at the Basílica de San Miguel, in Madrid City Center.

Liturgy lectures, silence, and music: a recollection moment to pray before Holy Week. The Alegra Chorus and professional musicians accompanied scripture lectures read by the students.

The Rector of the “Basílica Pontificia de San Miguel”, Juan Ramón García-Morato, spoke to the students “what we celebrate from Palm Sunday onwards will be an expression of Love”. To close up this time of prayer, he gave the blessing to all the attendants with the Cross that hold a Lingum Crucis (a small part of the original Cross of Jesus Christ).

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