Mgr. José Ignacio Munilla at Alegra
At Alegra we’ve had the pleasure to welcome at our school Mgr. Mons. José Ignacio Munilla. He has delivered a wonderful Family Workshop session: “Marriage Checklist: recipes to overcoming bad habits”.
The frame for the Family Workshop was the idea that this year 2021 is the year of the Family and especially the year of Saint Joseph. This way Mgr. José Ignacio Munilla highlighted the importance of spousal love and how not only love sustains the marriage, but how marriage sustains the love between the spouses.
12 recipes for a healthy marriage
- Founding your relationship in motivating words and quitting criticism
- Unifying worlds, not dividing them.
- Constantly grow your love. Love each other and enjoy it. Avoid pause marriage while children grow.
- Give your best to the other, always. CUltivate your inner life so you can give more and be better.
- Live in the present, have a bad memory, don’t keep count of offenses.
- Give value to your commitment, even above feelings.
- Decide counting with the other, consult your decisions, talk things thgough.
- Accept the other without wanting to change them, loving them like God loves them.
- Plan your strategy for navigating difficult times, rather than planning for an “exit”.
- Show your condition of being married, never hide it.
- Love fidelity even in your thoughts, things like pornography harm your relationship
- Be geneours. Selfishness is your main enemy in marriange.
Our Lady of Alegra, a Gift for Mgr. José Ignacio Munilla
Before the start of the session, Mgr José Ignacio Munilla walked the Campus of the school and made a very special visit to The House of Mary, “a welcoming place for every person that enters the school”, as he has described it.

Alegra wanted to gift him an image of Our Lady so he can take it with him everywhere.