Charty Revolution: Living Lent with Love
During Lent, our Prep School students focus on ‘The Charity Revolution’, a project devised by their teachers. Every day, they show each other kindness, service, and care.
From Nursery to Year 6, they are finding creative and age-appropriate ways to live the essential Christian life of love. Remember, every revolution brings change. Young people often seek to change reality when they encounter situations they dislike. Genuine change in individuals is always brought about through acts of charity.
Each student has created their own ‘calendar of challenges’ to demonstrate love towards others through small gestures such as playing with those who need it most, sharing their possessions, and refraining from speaking ill of others.

The Year 6 B students carried out a design exercise in which they had to represent the charity revolution through a logo/symbol.
The Charity Revolution Challenge is a reminder that every small action can make a big difference in the lives of others, reflecting the love that Jesus has for each one.
It is an invitation to cultivate simple, small actions that foster in our students big hearts capable of stepping up to meet the needs of others.

The Charity Revolution beyond school
The Charity Revolution is not only for the students, we invite all the families that are part of Alegra to join this challenge; trying to make each of our homes a focus of Christian irradiation; where love is palpable, and where each individual feels valued and cared for.
“The united family is normal. There are frictions, differences… But these are ordinary things, which to a certain extent even contribute to the saltiness of our days. They are insignificant things, which time always overcomes: then there remains only what is stable, which is love, a true love – made of sacrifice – and never feigned, which leads to concern for one another, to guessing a small problem and its most delicate solution”. St. Josemaría Escrivá, Conversations (101).