colegio-britanico-en-madrid-AlegraDigital scaled

Alegra Digital:

Anywhere-Anytime Learning

Alegra is a school with a vocation for openness and clear global awareness, essential for all IB schools in the world, so it is important that our students develop skills and abilities that connect them to the world and prepare them for their professional future, using all the tools at their disposal to solve problems and contribute proactively to society.

“Alegra Digital” has been implemented in the school since 2015 and has been structured in depth since then, being a programme of continuous improvement for almost 10 years now.

From MYP 1 onwards, students are given an iPad to work with in class, where they use it in different ways to investigate and research, prepare presentations and produce digital audiovisual materials that reflect the concepts and different projects they are working on in the different subjects, always as a complementary tool to their learning and not as the focus of their work. The fact that technology is present in some areas of the curriculum means that students must learn to critically analyse the information they receive, discarding unrelated, irrelevant and peripheral material. Critical thinking skills are essential in a society suffering from information overload.

The use of technology and screens at school

The school’s aim is not to develop technology experts, let alone replace ‘traditional’ paper and notes – just look at the binders that secondary school girls keep in their lockers and use to study. Rather, it is about exposing students to the tools, language, and environment they will face in the future. Subjects such as robotics, computing, or the use of virtual reality in the classroom are some of the tools we use at Alegra.


History and Art in digital. An example of how technology helps us in the classroom to deal with subjects in a cross-curricular way is the activity carried out by PAI students in History class. The activity consisted of developing an exhibition with works of art and through the generation of QR codes, the students could download the audio-guide of the work that they had previously recorded themselves.

Wise use of technology: spaces for digital disconnection

Technology is a useful and necessary tool for life, but we encourage and teach our students and their families that it is necessary to have spaces to disconnect, to park screens, and, above all, to seek the need for rich conversations and time spent with family and friends.

This is why we organise workshops, sessions, and debates in school on the good use of technology, social networks, parental controls, etc.

Las pantallas herramientas del mundo digital son una herramienta más de la educación

En Alegra recomendamos periódicamente recursos de información y educación respecto al buen uso del mundo digital en la familia: hoy te recomendamos Empantallados, recursos para el bienestar digital de las familias