In language acquisition lessons, our students are learning the language itself – how to understand it, how to produce it, and how to combine elements of it to produce new utterances, answer new questions and meet new situations. They are developing linguistic competence such as developing the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing the target language in a range of situations and contexts.
At Alegra, our students learning English, French, German and/Italian also develop other skills: they learn about cultural awareness and develop an ability to see the world from different perspectives; they also develop creativity and problem solving as they find new ways of understanding and communicating a message. Learning a range of foreign languages also helps our students in the development of their mother tongue literacy skills, as well as other cross-curricular features such as numeracy and thinking skills.
Alegra is a Cambridge Assessment Centre and our students are actively encouraged to undertake Cambridge English Examinations as they build on their language skills. We also actively encourage our students to take the French DELPH Examinations according to their skills and abilities.