Download the Alegra Academy brochure 24-25

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Growth and High performance

Extracurricular Alegra

At Alegra we aspire to high performance for all our students.

Sports, art, music, study … Alegra students, in addition to the established curricular schedule, have the opportunity to enhance those aspects that interest them most and can contribute to their full personal and intellectual development.

We enrich Alegra’s academic curriculum through a wide variety of activities that help students strengthen their knowledge, skills, and necessary competencies to develop their full potential.

In addition to the physical and intellectual benefits that accompanies each activity, Alegra Academy pursues three main objectives:

  • Encourage personal improvement and effort.
  • Promote beauty and aesthetic sense.
  • Access to a healthy quality leisure that cultivates friendship.

These extracurriculars Alegra allow the students to develop any of these three aspects that are so important for their development. Enroll now in Alegra Academy!

Sport Arts Directed Study

#SuperaciónPersonal #Belleza #OcioInspirador

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